About Stan Hudecki

Stan Hudecki’s life of love and compassion was once filled with twists, turns, and changes. Witnessing firsthand the power of positivity, acceptance, generosity, and light, he now works to help others unlock their true potential, thanks to an incredible discovery and life-changing realization.

In May of 2021, he discovered that he possessed the spiritual gift of automatic writing,

which allows him to receive messages from the divine. His life was never the same after that. On May 20, 2021, he received a message to start a community to support all the light in the world and to share the power of illumination around the globe.

This led to the founding of Global Light Connect in 2023.

The inspirational community supports and connects lightworkers across the globe, fostering personal and spiritual growth. Through sharing stories and embracing unique gifts, the Global Light Connect community inspires and empowers people, creating a ripple effect of love, compassion, and light.

With every shared story and exchange of wisdom, we plant seeds of hope and inspiration, nurturing the roots of personal and spiritual growth.

The inspirational community supports and connects lightworkers across the globe, fostering personal and spiritual growth. Through sharing stories and embracing unique gifts, the Global Light Connect community inspires and empowers people, creating a ripple effect of love, compassion, and light.

So, let us journey onward together, hand in hand, as we co-create a reality filled with love, joy, and limitless possibilities.

We welcome you to join us on this extraordinary adventure of light and love.

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