Once you start to see signs, there is no turning back. I have documented everything for 3 years. What signs am I talking about? If you believe that everything happens for a reason, then you would agree that there are signs, symbols, and occurrences that are trying to lead us in the right direction of our intended path in life. The picture for this post was taken in Seoul, South Korea. I was recording part of my story for my YouTube channel and began by saying my story started in 1985. As I looked across the park, this young woman appeared. 1960 was on her shirt and was the year I was born! Coincidence?
Everything is Random
I’m sure you have heard people say things are random and that what we do isn’t predefined. What if it is? If you believe in reincarnation, then you believe that we are on this Earth to learn from our experiences—the good and the bad. All the experiences were planned ahead of time so that we could learn from them. Therefore, it’s safe to assume that we are trying to follow a path so that we can complete what we were supposed to learn in this lifetime.
Pre-Life Planning
Before returning to the Earth plane, all Souls go through a life-planning stage. At that time, you discuss everything you will do to achieve your life purpose. You meet with everyone who will play a part in your life, and how they will guide you. Guides are put into place to help you achieve your life purpose by putting in cues throughout your life to help steer you in the right direction. We come to Earth with the ability to use free will. Therefore at any time, you can change the direction of your path. During your life planning stage, you plan for all of these possible sidelines, and the guides know how to help by giving you hidden cues that only you will see. (Occasionally, though, others will be in the room and will or could also see the cue)
In numerology, 11:11 is considered to be a significant moment in time for an event to occur. It is seen as an example of synchronicity, as well as a favourable sign or a suggestion towards the presence of spiritual influence.
For example, while watching a television program with my wife, we could hear music playing from somewhere. So, I muted the TV and tried to figure out the source of the music. It was my phone on the side table, and it was playing a random song. The song was not on any of my playlists; I’d never even heard of it before. It was being sung in a different language, and the title of the song was God: Now and Then. We both heard the song and saw the title at the same time! It was a very blatant sign… don’t you think?
I get a lot of signs, and I always write them down in a note app on my phone. I see them in movies and books, I hear them in podcasts, and I see them in games that I play, like Solitaire. You have to realize that some of them are probably not important or even a sign; however, it’s worth noting in a journal that you keep or a notepad because you never know when it will be relevant or play a role in your life.
Automatic Writer
In 2021, I discovered that I am an automatic writer; I often get woken up at night, and messages start flowing. One night, I had just flown into a location and was very tired from the trip. I knew I had nothing on my schedule the next day, so I made sure that my alarm was turned off so that I could sleep in. At 4 a.m., my alarm started to go off on my phone, and it was across the room, so I had to get up to go and turn it off.
When I laid back down, I started receiving more messages, so I got my pad out and started writing. The first thing they said was, “We couldn’t wake you, so we triggered your alarm on your phone.”
Let’s talk about guides; there are many guides in your life; some are on the Earth plane, and some are not. I was stressed about some issues around selling my house. I was so stressed that it caused a bit of physical pain. While talking to a friend, she said I want you to think about the whole task of selling your house as a lemon meringue pie; just think about it as easy as that. Imagine this whole situation as if it could melt in your mouth. It’s gone in no time, and there are no calories because it’s imaginary.
At first, I thought, what a silly suggestion; how am I supposed to think of it that way? However, for the last few years, I have faced my life with an open mind, approaching new things or ideas like a child would. - Full of wonder
So I thought I would give it a try. Have you ever seen those TikTok and Instagram videos of everyday items that have been turned into cakes that you can cut into, like a typewriter or something? I decided to look at our house like a lemon meringue pie—it melts in your mouth. It’s fabulous, and I love it.
Our house sold that night after weeks on the market. Imagine what you could do just by believing in your imagination.
There are numerous indexes online indicating the meaning of 3 numbers like 222, 333, and 555. Once you identify the meaning for you, save the list and quietly ask your guides to use that list to remind you.
Have you ever woke up and heard a song playing in your head? I used to think I heard it on the radio or something. This is not the case. Your guides use songs to get your attention and send you guidance. Look at the lyrics and see what they are trying to tell you.
Have you ever wished you had the channelling gift or being clairvoyant? You are. Everyone on the planet has these abilities, but you must have an open mind to accept them.
All of this could be a coincidence, and all of it could be a chance. It is up to you to recognize what is important to you and what is not. Is it a sign? Does it mean something to you? Only you can determine your path. Will you accept help along the way? All you have to do is ask.