Hello, Hello
I walk almost every morning, and this old rotary dial phone is in the park. It's adjacent to a cemetery, so I guess it is fitting. Is the rotary phone dead? I guess it would be because all the lines are digital. I think you could receive a call but not be able to place one.
I was just at my sister’s yesterday, trying out an artistic technique called gel printing. She is an amazing artist who has been trying new techniques for years and is always willing to share her knowledge. It was great fun to access her art room, filled with endless paints, papers, and textures.
Over the last year, I have been playing with various Blog and Newsletter platforms to find the correct fit for my writing. I have a lot to say, and as a channel, I have much information to share. As a channel, I get a lot of information shared with me. I usually get something about someone I am meeting or people around me. Sometimes, I pick up their energy, good or bad. So if they are having a difficult or a low-energy day, then whamo, I feel it. I am often asked if I can protect myself from these things. And yes, I can, but I don’t always put the protection in place daily.
Most of the time, it comes without warning. All of a sudden, I feel anxious about something. One time, I was driving down a road in my city, and there were apartments at the bottom of a hill; as I glanced at them, I picked up a person who was contemplating their life, thinking that they drank too much and wondering how they are going to survive and if they should. All I could do was send them love and help through their guides to get the help they needed.
I am drawn to people in trouble who are stressed or worried about their current lives and struggles. Sometimes, they just need someone in their corner to listen to their plight. Other times, it is more serious. Often, I can recommend a solution to a book or a person. However, as I said before, I don’t always know who they are. I was in an airport in the security line and suddenly felt genuinely afraid to fly. I fly worldwide in jets, airplanes, and even helicopters, and I have parachuted and repelled. So, feeling anxious to fly was out of character for me. Glancing around, I could not identify the distraught person and again could only send the angels to help them.
I was once at an airport, and a volunteer walked around with a Labrador Retriever dog. The volunteer allowed people anxious about flying to pat the dog in hopes of curbing their anxiety.
When I awoke, entered this new realm of existence, and started remembering my life purpose, everything changed drastically. I do my best now to leave the past in the past and live in the now, which is a challenge at times. So, I will be telling my story of change so that others can learn about my change and hopefully join our community to share how their lives have changed.